“Performers of Kazakh Songs” Republican Public Association (hereinafter referred to as the “Association”) has been established to defend both property and non-property rights of the authors of works, phonogram producers, other copyright holders or holders of neighboring rights, and their successors and assigns (hereinafter referred to as the “Copyright Owners”).

The Association was incorporated and exists under the Constitution of Kazakhstan, Kazakh Civil Code, Kazakh Public Associations Law, Kazakh Copyright and Neighboring Rights Law, and other statutory and regulatory acts governing intellectual property matters, and its Charter that relies on the principles of voluntary and equal membership, democratic self-government and publicity.

The scope of the Association operations includes defense of property and non-property rights of the Copyright Owners, exercise and enforcement of the copyright and neighboring rights both in and outside of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

The Association was assigned a Republican status and conducts its operations all across the Republic of Kazakhstan. The Association may have affiliation with international public associations, maintain direct international contacts and ties, and make respective agreements.

Full name: – in a state language: «Қазақ әуендерерінің орындаушылары» Республикалық қоғам бірлестігі; – in Russian language: Республиканское общественное объединение «Исполнители казахских песен».

Abbreviated name:

 – in a state language: «ҚӘО» РҚБ

– in Russian language: РОО «ИКП»

Location of Association:

Postcode 160024, Bldg. 22, Amangeldy street, Kaitpas microdistrict, Karatau district, Shymkent city, Republic of Kazakhstan

Organizationally, the Association is comprised of branches and representative offices set up in different regions all across Kazakhstan.

The branches and representative offices are not legal entities and operate in accordance with the Charter, Branch and Representative Office Regulations of the Association.
